Codes and Conventions of Three Genres Studied

Thursday 17 December 2009
The three genres that have been studied are romantic comedy, thriller and horror films. The codes and conventions of these genres differ greatly and attract a variety of audiences for each one.

Romantic Comedy:

Romantic comedies generally tend to follow a main character and a main plot, as well as a number of sub-characters and sub-plots. There are many cliche aspects of the romantic comedy genre that are used time and time again but never seem to get old:
* A single female or less often male lead.
* The plot following the lead character's everyday life and antics.
* The lead finding themself in embarassing but comic situations.
* Usually set in a large city but not limited to this.
* Likeable and funny sub-characters including both family and friends.
* A boy meets girl (or vice versa) storyline materialising.


Thriller films can follow characters that have not met yet e.g. a police officer's investigation into a case of murders and the serial killer's actions before the investigator finds what they have done. They are usually fast paced and designed to make the viewer think deeper as well as including unusual twists that keep the viewer interested. Although thriller films seem to differ greatly between themselves, there are a few basic conventions that are used within them:
* A lone killer or a group.
* A team of investigators, mainly following one of them..
* Fast, loud and usually contemporary music.
* Car chases, fights, explosions, buildings in flames, shoot outs etc.
* Finding more out about the killer's background up until they are finally caught.


Like the other two genres, horror films generally follow a main character and a main plot though there isn't usually any sub-plots. Like in thrillers, there can sometimes be a twist in the plot to shock the viewer into realisation.
* An eerie setting e.g. an abandoned place like a house or an entire city (seen in Silent Hill)
* Bad things happening largely in dark places or at night time.
* Blood, gore and violence.
* A likeable main character as well as sub-characters, a few of whom are unliked and usually get killed off first.
* Creatures, psychopaths and the undead used as the enemy e.g. zombies, ghosts, vampires, werewolves etc.
* A happy ending isn't always expected.
* The main character usually survives.
* Gothic and religious themes used.

* Spooky music and sounds used throughout


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